Krocksäker hundbur

The market's safest dog cage for SUV, estate and hatchback cars. This cage is designed to stand behind the back seat. Telescopic construction that maximizes the space for your dog. It's Built-in deformation zone reduces the risk of back, neck and head injuries to the rear seat passengers in case of accident.

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Safety first and foremost

MIMsafe Dog Crates - Optimal safety for humans and animals

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Emergency exit: Easy extraction point in case the door is ever blocked.
Additional locking: Space for additional locking if required.
Built in lock system: Key lock included
Doors equipped with gas springs: Assists in keeping the door open when needed.
Crumple zone: Built-in crumple zone and telescopic structure.
One-hand quick release: Making it easy to open and close the door.
Adjustable depth: variable in depth for optimal fit for the car boot.
Two-step lock

The door on VarioCage is closed in two steps to ensure that the dog cage remains closed in the event of a collision. Just like normal car door.

Adjustable depth

Crash tested VarioCage dog crates maximizes space for your dog without compromising safety.

Crumple zone

In the event of a rear-end collision, VarioCage and the car's safety system work together to create a controlled compression, which prevents the rear seat from being exposed to direct impact.

MIMsafe VarioCage Hundbur Single L
Safe storage

When your dog needs air, safety is guaranteed thanks to the locking system

Escape hatch

Here you can get your friend out if the door should be blocked.

Shockproof in all directions

VarioCage dog crate is crash-tested for frontal collision situations, rear-end collision and voltage, which is world-unique. The crash tests are performed at SP, the Technical Research Institute of Sweden according to the crash method SPCT (Safe Pet Crate Test).



A safe and very practical crate, which also leaves room for other luggage.


Hundbur MIMSafe VarioCage Single för kombibilar utan lasttröskel


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Choose compact if there is a threshold at the back of the luggage area of your car.


Hundbur MIMsafe VarioCage Compact för bilar som har bagagerum med lasttröskel


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Dog create designed for smaller dogs and cats.



MIMsafe Variocage Minimax för små hundar


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In this model, two dogs can sit apart without reaching each other. It can also be used as a single cage without a partition.


Hundbur MIMsafe VarioCage Double för en eller flera stora hundar.

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Customer survey

Assembly instructions

Sizing guides

Assembly instructions for VarioCage

All models of the VarioCage dog crate will be delivered to you flat-pack, please watch this video to find out how to assemble your cage.
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