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Two years after the accident

By 2020-03-20#!30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200p0130#30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200p-3Europe/Stockholm3030Europe/Stockholmx30 29pm30pm-30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200p3Europe/Stockholm3030Europe/Stockholmx302020Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200373376pmMonday=4094#!30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200pEurope/Stockholm6#June 29th, 2020#!30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200p0130#/30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200p-3Europe/Stockholm3030Europe/Stockholmx30#!30Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:37:01 +0200pEurope/Stockholm6#No Comments

Nadja’s dogs unharmed after the accident

A proud Nadja with her dog Troja on the podium

In a sudden moment of terror Nadja sees a car heading towards her - on the wrong side on the highway. She can do nothing to avoid the collision.
Miraculously, Nadja and her two dogs survived. The dogs were lying in their VarioCage double from MIMsafe.

Nadja Andersson, 36, from the county of Värmland, in central Sweden, was convinced that the final moment had come for and her two dogs. The speed limit on a Swedish highway is 110 km/h.

“‘This is it’, I thought. And then all hell broke loose.”

Over two years have since the accident occurred, one day in March 2018.
Nadja, who runs a kennel and is a fervent dog lover, was convinced that she and her two dog’s lives were over.

“I still hear the dogs howling in the back of my head almost every day. It’s pure torture. I don’t think think I ’ll ever be rid of this.”

Nadja has far from recovered from the car accident. Her body aches constantly and she suffers from severe migraine.

On top of that she’s also been diagnosed with PTSD. She’s had to take sick leave and isn’t sure if will ever go back to work again.

Despite that, she is happy that she’s alive and that her German Sheperds managed to escaped injury.

“I can only say that my choosing the VarioCage double from MIMsafe saved my dogs life. I feel sorry for the dog owners who don’t understand the importance of using a safe cage for their dogs. MIMsafes crash tests of all their models of cages. They’re the the only I put my trust in.”

The VarioCage after the accident, having done its job

At the same time, a lot of Nadja’s friends now use dog cages from MIMsafe. Her accident was an eye opener for them all.

“Yes, they do understand now how important it is to use a safe and seriously crash tested dog cage.” Nadja says, stressing that dogs should never be transported loose in a car.

Today Nadja of course, continues to use the VarioCage from MIMsafe in her new car.

Lars Sergård
Head of Marketing & Communication
[email protected]
+46 (0) 708-64 14 76

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